How to Market and Sell Your Surface Pattern Designs

surface pattern designer taking a flat lay photo of their products for social media marketing

So, you are finally confident creating beautiful patterns, and you have a few you are ready to share with the world. What do you do next? How and where can you market and sell your surface pattern designs?

There are a few main ways you can market and sell your surface pattern designs: through online marketplaces, stock graphics websites, licensing your designs to companies, or creating and selling products with your patterns on them. Let's explore each of these options in more detail.

Online Marketplaces

There are a number of online marketplaces where you can sell your surface pattern designs. Marketplaces can be a great place to start selling your designs, as they are usually very easy to use and have a large audience. They can also help you figure out your target audience and what designs sell well, and even possibly expose you to licensing opportunities. However, you will typically receive a lower commission for your designs than you would from other selling methods.

This can be a great option if you want to have someone else handle all of the selling and marketing for your designs, and it can be very lucrative. However, you do need to have a large collection of designs before you start earning a liveable income.

Stock Graphics Websites

Another option for selling your surface pattern designs is stock graphics websites. These websites allow artists to sell their digital artwork, including patterns, for a flat fee. They are also an easy way to start letting your first sales roll in, but the flat fee could be a bit of a gamble. I have personally gone on holiday and found a huge company mass producing products with one of my designs, which they purchased on a marketplace for a handful of dollars. I learned my lesson on that one!

Competition between designers on these marketplaces can trick you into lowering your price, which is a big "no no" in the long run. Your work is worth your price, so don't be afraid to hold your ground.

Licensing Your Designs to Companies

One of the best ways to make money from your surface pattern designs is licensing them to companies. This means that you grant a company permission to use your design for a certain purpose, such as printing your designs on their products, and in return, you receive either a flat fee or a royalty for each item sold.

Licensing is a great option for artists who want to focus on quality over quantity, as you will likely only receive fewer licensing deals, but they can be more valuable. It also allows you to stay true to your brand and work with companies you admire and respect, which can be a great experience.

Creating and Selling Products with Your Patterns

Another way to market your surface pattern designs is by creating and selling products with your patterns on them. This could be anything from fabric to stationery to home décor, the sky is the limit!

This can be a great option if you want to have full control over your products' design, production, and marketing. It can also be a lot of work, but it can be very rewarding when you see the entire process of your designs coming to life.

How do You Market Your Surface Pattern designs?

There are a few ways you can market your surface pattern designs. You can start by creating a portfolio of your work and putting it online. You can also start a blog, or social media account to showcase your work and connect with other designers. You can also participate in online and offline design competitions, and attend trade shows where you can sell your designs.

By using various marketing strategies, you can reach a larger audience and sell more of your designs.

Create a Portfolio Website

artist working on a marketing plan for her surface pattern design brand

The first step to marketing your surface pattern designs is creating a portfolio of your work and putting it online. This is the best way to show off your work to potential clients and buyers. Your portfolio should include high-quality images of your designs and a brief description of each design. You can also include videos of you discussing your work or demonstrating how you created it.

Tap Into The Power of Social Media

Another great way to market your surface pattern designs is through social media. Platforms like Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, and Youtubr are a great way to connect with other designers and buyers. You can post images of your work, share upcoming projects, and connect with other people in the design community.

Social media can be a double-edged sword, it can be a great way to connect with people and build relationships, but it can also sap every ounce of your time if you're not careful. If you can pick just one platform that you feel most comfortable with and grow your following there, you will be much better off than being spread out thin across all of them.

Attend Trade Shows

Trade shows are a great way to meet buyers and sell your designs in person. You can attend trade shows all over the world, and there are a variety of different shows catering to various industries. Attending a trade show is a great way to make connections with other designers and buyers, and it’s also an excellent opportunity to learn more about the industry.

Start a Blog

Blogs can help you show your personality as a designer and build authority for your brand. You can use your blog to showcase your work, share your process, and write about industry news. Building an audience for your blog will help you connect with more people in the design community and nurture your relationships with people who love your work.

Enter Design Competitions

Another great way to market your surface pattern designs is by entering design competitions. Many competitions are open to designers of all levels, and they can be a great way to get your work seen by a wider audience (and you don’t even need to win!). You can also win some great prizes, and who doesn't like a little extra recognition? Finishing close to the top could help you land some great new clients too.

Submit Your Designs to Licensing Agencies

Marketing is not everyone's cup of tea. If you are not the marketing type, consider licensing your designs to companies who will do all the leg work for you.

These agencies represent a variety of different brands and can help you get your designs in front of the right people who are looking for them. They have years of experience in marketing and licensing products, so they know what will work and what won't.

There are a few things to keep in mind when submitting your designs to licensing agencies. First, make sure you have a portfolio of your best work, and meet the standards of the brands you're targeting. Second, you can include a complete product proposal that outlines your designs, their features, their potential market, and any other information about your past collaborations and even your social media reach. Finally, be prepared to negotiate your licensing fees.

If you're interested in submitting your designs to licensing agencies, start by doing some research online. There are a number of resources available that can help you get started. And don't forget to read the agency's submission guidelines carefully to make sure your designs are a good fit.


So, those are a few of the main ways you can market and sell your surface pattern designs. Whichever option you choose, remember to stay true to your brand and be confident in your work. Selling your surface pattern designs can be a great way to make a living doing what you love. So, don't be afraid to start sharing your work with the world. You will be surprised at how far it can take you.


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